In order to become an ACCA member, trainees are required to:
Exams - complete ACCA examinations
Ethics - complete the Professional Ethics module (where required)
Experience - record 36 months' in a relevant role via the online My Experience record. Answer the challenge questions for 13 performance objectives (all nine essentials and any four from options) and have these signed off by their workplace mentor.
ACCA tracks the progress of trainees who update their PER in the online My Experience record, and then emails or writes to invite them to transfer to membership once they have completed their requirement and are ready for membership.
The transfer process normally takes 12 working days from our receipt of their positive response, depending on membership committee dates. Trainees agree to pay the membership admission fee as part of the transfer to membership declaration but do not need to submit payment with their reply.
Trainees will be invoiced for the admission fee (?197 in 2012) once their admission has been confirmed and, if it is still outstanding, the annual affiliate subscription (2012 rates are ?101 for those who have been affiliates for three years or less, ?197 for those who have been affiliates for more than three years).
It should be noted that applications are still accepted from those trainees who believe they are ready for membership but have not received their invitation to transfer.
The application form in the ‘related documents’ section should be completed and returned to:
Operational Delivery ACCA 2 Central Quay 89 Hydepark Street Glasgow United Kingdom G3 8BW
It will take approximately 2–3 weeks to process an application for membership.
The status of an application can be checked online via myACCA.
Trainees with queries about the transfer to membership process should contact
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