The liability would be recognised initially at the same amount as the asset,ie‘the present value of the lease payments discounted using the lessee's incremental borrowing rate’. The liability would be subsequently amortised using an amortised cost-based approach.
The Discussion Paper also includes proposals on more complex issues,such as renewal options,contingent rentals,and residual value guarantees. All of the proposals are focused on lessee accounting. It is thought that lessor accounting will be dealt with once the tentative proposals in the Discussion Paper have been fully considered by the IASB.
To conclude on leases,if the proposals do eventually form the basis of a new financial reporting standard,it will be one of the most significant developments to arise from the IASB's convergence project. Having one method to account for all types of leases will go a long way to improve consistency and comparability,though some may argue that using one method for all types of lease is too simplistic. An Exposure Draft on leases is expected in the third quarter of 2010.
Income tax
In March 2009,the IASB issued an Exposure Draft 'Income Tax. This exposure draft is also part of the IASB’s long-term convergence project. The Exposure Draft is proposing to replace IAS 12,Income Taxes and is an examinable document for Paper P2 exams in 2010.
The proposals retain the basic IAS 12 approach to accounting for deferred tax,known as the temporary difference approach. The objective of that approach is to recognise immediately the future tax consequences of past events and transactions. Although the proposals retain the same basic principle,the IASB intends to change the methodology used to calculate deferred tax,change some of the definitions,eliminate some recognition exceptions,and introduce guidance on dealing with uncertainties. In addition,the IASB proposes a changed structure for the standard that will make it easier to use. The proposals also more closely align with FASB Statement 109,Accounting for Income Taxes,though some differences may remain.
A change in the methodology used to calculate deferred tax assets and liabilities is proposed. It would only be necessary to consider deferred tax in respect of assets and liabilities where the company expects the recovery or settlement of the carrying amount to affect taxable profit. For example,if a nil tax rate would apply to any taxable or deductible amounts,then no deferred tax arises,as there is no future tax consequence.
A new definition for‘tax basis’(previously known as ‘tax base’) is proposed as‘the measurement, under applicable substantively enacted tax law,of an asset,liability or other item’.
The definition is not very different from before,but the further guidance in the Exposure Draft makes an important point that the tax basis of an asset should be determined based on the assumption that an asset will be sold,and for liabilities on the assumption that the liability will be settled for its carrying amount.
The topic of lease accounting has been long debated,with many preparers and users of financial statements claiming that the current treatment under IAS 17,Leases,is too subjective and can too easily result in off-balance sheet finance.
The Exposure Draft proposes the elimination of recognition exceptions on initial recognition of assets and liabilities and for many investments. The current IAS 12 exception prohibits the recognition of deferred tax liabilities and assets in relation to temporary differences arising on the initial recognition of an asset or liability (other than in a business combination where the asset or liability does not impact accounting profit or taxable profit at the time of recognition).The proposal could result in the recognition of deferred tax arising on the difference between the initial carrying amount of an asset or liability and its tax basis,even if the recognition is nothing to do with a business combination. It is therefore likely that many more balances recognised in the financial statements could result in an associated deferred tax asset or liability.
New guidance has been included to help companies to account for uncertain tax positions. A probability weighted average amount of all possible outcomes should be calculated,based on the assumption that the tax authorities will review the amounts submitted and have full knowledge of all relevant information. Examples of the calculation are provided in the Exposure Draft. In conclusion,there are many detailed changes proposed in relation to the calculation and recognition of deferred tax,though the fundamental principle of comparing book values with tax bases in determining temporary differences remains unchanged.
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