As the largest international accountancy body, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) is happy to have been able to work with big companies and the local professional association Albanian Institute of Authorised Chartered Auditors (IEKA) to create a platform where professionals in finance and accounting in Tirana could gather for half a day to discuss the latest international updates.
The presence of the international association in Albania demonstrates the openness of the local profession and how forward thinking it is and ready to partner in international cooperation.
'Yesterday IEKA in cooperation with FCM organised here in Tirana the 12th FCM Conference focused on the audit profession, where it was debated on the need for an effective interaction and combination between high quality professional standards, ethics, quality assurance and independent oversight. However, the success of our profession on better serving our clients’ needs and protection of public interests is guaranteed only if we cooperate and work together and share with each other, our diversity of experiences. IEKA will continue to remain committed to promote cooperation between its members and encourages young and motivated professional to become part of such processes. Increasing number of ACCA qualified within our membership will contribute on improving the quality of implementation of professional and ethical standards' said Prof. As. Dr./EKR (CPA), Hysen Cela, President Albanian Institute of Authorised Chartered Auditors (IEKA)
'ACCA is committed to the development and implementation of high quality global standards that support meaningful financial reporting and we are proud to have recently issued our second annual report prepared using the draft framework issued by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). While our recent Research and Insights work highlights that investors are becoming less reliant on the traditional annual report, it also emphasises the value of understandable – and not excessive – information. It is very timely to reflect on some of the changes that will be relevant for 2013 year-ends, as well as longer term developments that will influence the reporting landscape.' Sue Almond, Technical Director for ACCA said.
'This is the second event organised by ACCA in Tirana, which demonstrates cooperation at all levels, promotes best practices in the accountancy and audit profession, and showcases excellent speakers while also offering interesting professional updates to the professional community we represent' said Andreia Stanciu, Head of ACCA South Eastern Europe.
'The ACCA membership is a key achievement in the accountancy career and provides great opportunities and recognition. Keeping the up-to-date level of knowledge benefits both students and practitioners, this is why we are delighted to contribute to this event aiming to maintain high level of professionalism in the profession but also create networking channels for new and existing members of the community. We are committed to and envisage this becoming a valuable tradition through years' Valbona Dode, Deloitte Audit Manager (ACCA, EKR), said.
'We value the contribution of ACCA as an opportunity for Albanian students and professionals to access easily high quality education which puts us at par with professionals around the globe. People development is one of the main pillars of the EY vision and we are eager to give our contribution in development of the accounting profession in Albania' Mario Vangjeli EY Director Assurance, said.
'The accounting profession is continually evolving and events such as this help provide an opportunity to discuss and share knowledge on various current developments. We strive to ensure that our staff and services in Albania meet the high standards we set ourselves throughout the world, of which personal development, including obtaining internationally recognised qualifications such as ACCA, is a key component' Steven Nutley, KPMG Partner, Audit, said.
‘To me, this event provided a great chance to get to know the ACCA community members in Albania. The technical updates were all useful and the networking opportunity was perfect. Hopefully, the event will demonstrate that the critical mass of students, affiliates and members is achieved to start thinking about better structuring the coordination among them in Albania' Kledi Kodra, PwC, assurance department, senior manager said
The technical conference had as topic: Professional updates in finance and accounting and gave more than 70 specialists in finance and accounting the chance to network. All the ACCA Community in Albania was invited - IEKA representatives, big companies’ CFOs, public sector representatives and other professionals interested in the topics.
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