F5, Performance Management | No changes |
F6 (UK), Taxation | No changes |
F7 Financial Reporting | Two areas of the syllabus will be examined under new accounting standards:IFRS 9,Financial Instruments,andIFRS 15,Revenue from Contractswith Customers |
F8, Audit and Assurance | No changes |
F9, Financial Management | Newer sources of finance for SMEs have been added |
P1, Governance, Risk and Ethics | A1 c) amended to include private sector A7 b) amended to include the Mendelow matrix New A9 e) added to include examination of the 3 Es and public value in public sector governance B1 c) amended to make more explicit reference to fraud and error in respect of internal control |
P2, Corporate Reporting | Syllabus coverage of revenue has been amended to reflect IFRS 15,Revenue from Contracts with Customers Syllabus coverage of financial instruments has been amended to reflect the final version of IFRS 9,Financial Instruments Some changes to the content of the list of exposure drafts and discussion papers that are examinable |
P3, Business Analysis | Two new outcomes added to syllabus: Discuss how big data can be used to inform and implement business strategy Discuss how the finance function has transformed to enabling an accountant to have a key role in the decision making process from strategy formulation and implementation to its impact on business performance |
P4, Advanced Financial Management | No changes to syllabus |
P6, Advanced Taxation | No changes to syllabus |
P7, Advanced Audit and Assurance | Subject area E6 (The audit of performance information (pre-determined objectives) in the public sector) has been re-written |
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