ACCA’s Global Learning Provider Conference took place in Nottingham on 19 and 20 February, and Clare Minchington, ACCA executive director of e-delivery, talked about the future of ACCA exams. We interviewed Clare to discuss and reflect on some of the key messages she delivered.
Clare, you talked about some of your plans for the future of exams. What are the key drivers behind these plans?
There are several key drivers, but I think the one that resonates most with me is when I look back to my time as a student. At that time, the exam reflected the exact tasks I did in the workplace, writing audit plans, using my calculator and writing notes on audit files. Today students rarely write, they use spreadsheets instead of calculators, they use word processing packages instead of pens. I would like our exams to better reflect today’s working practices, to better reflect how we live and work.
What are the key changes that you are considering for ACCA's exams?
We are looking at how we can use technology in our exams to help increase exam relevance. Our vision is to design authentic computer-based exams (CBEs) that contain a broad range of question types, like spreadsheets, that we can build into the exam to help us assess the application of knowledge, in addition to the knowledge itself.
Are there any other comparisons you can make between CBEs and paper-based exams?
Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions about CBEs so it is definitely worth pointing out some of the things that CBEs do not mean for ACCA. For example, computer-based exams do not mean:
only multiple-choice question types
always 100% automatic marking
always instant results
immediate withdrawal of paper
testing advanced computer skills
reduced rigour or security of our exams
Technology gives us many opportunities but it is crucial that we maintain the rigour and security of our exams and that is one of the key principles in our development. At ACCA we are incredibly proud of our qualification and we want to maintain its high standards.
You talked about having more exam sessions. What is your thinking on this?
We are proposing to introduce flexibility across all of our exams. We are therefore looking to introduce two additional exam sessions throughout the year, for Paper F5 and beyond. Our vision is to have an exam model that allows us to offer more flexibility but ensures we can maintain the existing rigour and security of our exams.
When will this happen?
The first point is that nothing will change in 2013.
The first change will be the introduction of Multi-task Questions, known as MTQs, into the Diploma in Accounting and Business (Papers F1–F3 ACCA Qualification exams and Papers FFA, FFM and FAB Foundation level exams) and we are targeting February 2014 for this. MTQs are a series of short questions that reflect back to a single scenario. MTQs bring us closer to having exams that are more reflective of the workplace.
In addition, we propose adding the Global and English variant of Paper F4, Corporate and Business Law, to our suite of on-demand CBEs. The CBEs will include Objective Tests (OTs) and Multi-task Questions (MTQs). We are targeting September 2014 for the launch of Paper F4 by CBE.
We will then look to introduce additional sessions using a combination of CBEs and paper-based exams for the remaining Fundamental and Professional level papers. We are working on the timescale for this change but we have committed to giving our students at least 12 months’ notice of any changes being introduced.
These changes are part of a longer term plan to ensure our key stakeholders can feed into the development of those plans and are supported through any changes. We will be taking a phased approach, ensuring that all of our students and learning providers have time to prepare for the changes.
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