Hurricane Sandy - The IMA Community Pulling Together
Hi All,
I am deeply saddened to see the loss of life, homes and landmarks in the northeastern part of the U.S. resulting from Hurricane Sandy. On behalf of IMA, our hearts go out to all those who experienced a loss and we are here to help in any way possible. Whether you have a hardship in terms of dues or any other situation resulting from the Hurricane, please feel free to contact IMA Member Services or me directly at I will respond very quickly to your situation.
I continue to be amazed out how people pull together in difficult times, and the IMA community is no different. Although all of us who work at the global HQ in Montvale, NJ experienced significant disruptions to our lives, it did not deter us from serving our members as best as possible. Our staff leading the Student Leadership Conference were willing to drive 26 hours to the event when their flights were cancelled, and many volunteers at the event rolled up their sleeves to help out. IMA's disaster recovery protocols were followed for as much service continuity as possible, but that involved some of our staff getting access to flood areas and even unintended "sleep overs" at the facility. Even more inspiring is how members of the IMA family who had power restored early offered their homes, their food and their friendship to others. That indeed is the IMA way.
Do you have any stories that serve to inspire, that demonstrate the power of community? Please feel free to share.
Thanks, and as always, be safe.
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