A. $3.85.
B. $4.00.
C. $4.10.
D. $6.00.
2、MinnOil performs oil changes and other minor maintenance services (e.g., tire pressure checks) for cars. The company advertises that all services are completed within 15 minutes for each service. On a recent Saturday, 160 cars were serviced resulting in the following labor variances: rate, $19 unfavorable; efficiency, $14 favorable. If MinnOil’s standard labor rate is $7 per hour, determine the actual wage rate per hour and the actual hours worked.
Wage Rate | Hours Worked | |
A | $6.55 | 42.00. |
B | $6.67 | 42.71 |
C | $7.45 | 42.00. |
D | $7.50 | 38.00. |
3、The following information is from the accounting records of St. Charles Enterprises.
Static budget | Actual | |
Sales volume (units) | 82,000 | 75,000 |
Selling price/unit | $15.00 | $15.00 |
Variable cost/unit | $9.00 | $9.25 |
Fixed cost | $280,000 | $285,000 |
A. Both the conclusion and the variance calculation are correct.
B. The conclusion is incorrect, but the variance calculation is informative.
C. The conclusion is correct, but the variance calculation could be more informative.
D. Both the conclusion and the variance calculation are incorrect.
4、For a given time period, a company had a favorable material quantity variance, a favorable direct labor efficiency variance, and a favorable fixed overhead volume variance. Of the following, the one factor that could not have caused all three variances is
A. the purchase of higher quality materials.
B. the use of lower-skilled workers.
C. the purchase of more efficient machinery.
D. an increase in production supervision.
5、 Marten Company has a cost-benefit policy to investigate any variance that is greater than $1,000 or 10% of budget, whichever is larger. Actual results for the previous month indicate the following.
Budget | Actual | |
Raw material | $100,000 | $89,000 |
Direct labor | $50,000 | $54,000 |
The company should investigate
A. neither the material variance nor the labor variance.
B. the material variance only.
C. the labor variance only.
D. both the material variance and the labor variance.
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