The Handbook follows GARP’s FRM Committee’s published FRM Study Guide, which sets forth primary topics and subtopics covered in the FRM exam. The topics are selected by the FRM Committee as being representative of the theories and concepts utilized by risk management professionals as they address current issues.
Over the years the Study Guide has taken on an importance far exceeding its initial intent of providing guidance for FRM candidates. The Study Guide is now being used by universities, educators, and executives around the world to develop
graduate-level business and finance courses, as a reference list for purchasing new readings for personal and professional libraries, as an objective outline to assess the risk management qualifications of an employee or a job applicant, and as
guidance on the important trends currently affecting the financial risk management profession. Given the expanded and dramatically growing recognition of the financial risk management profession globally, the Handbook has similarly assumed a natural and advanced role beyond its original purpose. It has now become the primary reference manual for risk professionals, academicians, and executives around the world. Professional risk managers must be well versed in a wide variety of riskrelated
concepts and theories, and must also keep themselves up-to-date with a rapidly changing marketplace. The Handbook is designed to allow them to do just that. It provides a financial risk management practitioner with the latest thinking and approaches to financial risk-related issues. It also provides coverage of advanced topics with questions and tutorials to enhance the reader’s learning experience.
This fifth edition of the Handbook includes revised coverage of the primary topic areas covered by the FRM examination. Importantly, this edition also includes the latest lessons from the recent credit crisis, as well as new and more recent sample FRM questions.
The Handbook continues to keep pace with the dynamic financial risk profession while simultaneously offering serious risk professionals an excellent and cost-effective tool to keep abreast of the latest issues affecting the global risk management community.
Over the years the Study Guide has taken on an importance far exceeding its initial intent of providing guidance for FRM candidates. The Study Guide is now being used by universities, educators, and executives around the world to develop
graduate-level business and finance courses, as a reference list for purchasing new readings for personal and professional libraries, as an objective outline to assess the risk management qualifications of an employee or a job applicant, and as
guidance on the important trends currently affecting the financial risk management profession. Given the expanded and dramatically growing recognition of the financial risk management profession globally, the Handbook has similarly assumed a natural and advanced role beyond its original purpose. It has now become the primary reference manual for risk professionals, academicians, and executives around the world. Professional risk managers must be well versed in a wide variety of riskrelated
concepts and theories, and must also keep themselves up-to-date with a rapidly changing marketplace. The Handbook is designed to allow them to do just that. It provides a financial risk management practitioner with the latest thinking and approaches to financial risk-related issues. It also provides coverage of advanced topics with questions and tutorials to enhance the reader’s learning experience.
This fifth edition of the Handbook includes revised coverage of the primary topic areas covered by the FRM examination. Importantly, this edition also includes the latest lessons from the recent credit crisis, as well as new and more recent sample FRM questions.
The Handbook continues to keep pace with the dynamic financial risk profession while simultaneously offering serious risk professionals an excellent and cost-effective tool to keep abreast of the latest issues affecting the global risk management community.




FRM备考 热门问题解答
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There are no educational or professional prerequisites needed toregister.可以理解为,报名FRM考试没有任何的学历和专业的要求,只要是你想考,都可以报名的。
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