ACA training agreement
The ACA training agreement sits alongside an employment contract and is a two-way agreement between you and your student. It outlines the support you will provide and what you expect of your student and relates only to the ACA.
As part of the agreement, you will need to agree a period of approved training with your student, which allows them to complete the required 450 days of practical work experience. The number of practical work experience days may depend on your student’s background, for example:
a graduate would typically be able to achieve this within a three year period of approved training
a school leaver (with A-levels or equivalent) you may want to have a longer five year period of approved training
individuals from some professional bodies or with professional qualifications, they may be entitled to a two year training agreement and 300 days of practical work experience
As an authorised training principal (ATP), you can control the length of student’s approved training. This can be a minimum of two years (if appropriate as above) or a maximum of five years (unless the student is training under a strategic degree or other programme offered in partnership with an ICAEW Partner in Learning).
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