签署的协议是由 Michael Izza, ICAEW Chief Executive, and Tan Choon Shian, Principal and Chief Executive Officer of Singapore Polytechnic执行。
ICAEW and Singapore Polytechnic have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to develop a Finance and Accounting Acceleration Programme – a new route for diploma students to gain ICAEW’s prestigious Associate Chartered Accountant qualification, the ACA.
The agreement was signed by Michael Izza, ICAEW Chief Executive, and Tan Choon Shian, Principal and Chief Executive Officer of Singapore Polytechnic, at celebrations marking the five-year anniversary of the ICAEW South East Asia office.
The programme, which is the first of its kind in the region, means that students will start taking exams towards ICAEW’s chartered accountancy qualification, the ACA, whilst studying for their Diploma in Accountancy. They will also obtain credits for prior learning towards the qualification. Upon completing their studies at Singapore Polytechnic, they will have a firm base from which to go on to complete the remaining components of the ACA. This means the programme will open a route to becoming an ICAEW Chartered Accountant for diploma students within three years from graduation.
Mark Billington, Regional Director, ICAEW South East Asia, said: “This agreement not only strengthens our long-standing relationship with Singapore Polytechnic, it is also part of our commitment to increasing access to the profession. Singapore needs a wealth of highly-qualified finance professionals in order to maintain its economic success, and offering bright hardworking individuals the chance to become ICAEW Chartered Accountants will help widen the talent pool.”
Tan Choon Shian, Principal and Chief Executive Officer of SP, said: “This programme will mean our Diploma in Accountancy students can eventually gain a professional qualification that is internationally recognised, making them highly employable in the modern global economy. It allows our diploma graduates to attain the prestigious chartered accountant qualification via a new work-study pathway and we are delighted to be partnering with ICAEW to provide this option.”
Dominic Nixon, Chair of ICAEW’s Singapore City Group and Partner at PwC, said: “Anyone who has gained the ICAEW chartered accountancy qualification has demonstrated the highest professional, technical and ethical standards. It is very encouraging to see ICAEW and Singapore Polytechnic coming together to offer talented Singaporeans the chance to become ICAEW Chartered Accountants, and we look forward to seeing some at PwC in the future.”
ICAEW opened its first ever overseas regional office in Singapore in 2009, in order to support members in the region and work with partners to help strengthen the accountancy profession across ASEAN
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