
来源: 高顿网校 2014-07-17
  北京学员请注意:英国皇家特许会计师ACA是在欧洲及全球最被认可的、声望*6的专业资格之一。ACA在获得资格并工作十年后,通过一定测评即可获得资深皇家特许会计师FCA(Fellow Chartered Accountant)的称号。然而,当取得美国CPA(AICPA)执照后,你就可以获得换取英国顶级财会资格认证ACA(CharteredAccountant)的机会。
  The Pathways to Membership steps are set out as follows:
  1. To be eligible to apply under the Pathways program you must be a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), a CPA (US) is not good enough for this purpose.
  2. You must also have a minimum of five years’ full membership and relevant post-qualification experience in an accounting and/or business environment.
  3. You are required to provide a letter of good standing from AICPA to ICAEW for verification and confirmation of your current AICPA status.
  4. Your application for membership must be supported by a sponsor. The role of the sponsor is to verify that the information provided by you in the application form and the answers to the Examination of Experience are accurate and a true representation of your work. The sponsor must complete the sponsor form in the application form.
  5. If you are not working for a Authorized Training Employee (ATE) such as Big 4 accounting firms, the sponsor must be an ICAEW member for at least 5 years and know you for more than 3 year. If your sponsor is ATE and the Qualified Person Responsible for Training at the organization where you work, he/she does not need to know or have known you directly.
  6. You are required to write up a practical experience assignment. Please refer to the attachment for an example.
  7. Practicing Certificate. You must also apply for an ICAEW practicing certificate if you.
  报考指南: 2014年ACA考试报考指南 
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