ACA湖北:(ICAEW)difficulty in containing government spending

来源: 高顿网校 2014-07-28
  湖北ACA学员不要错过!!!高顿网校小编*9时间与您分享有关ACA考试的*7资讯:Public sector figures show difficulty in containing government spending, says ICAEW
  Commenting on the public sector finances for June 2014, published today by the ONS, Sumita Shah, ICAEW Public Sector Regulatory Policy Manager said:
  “The latest figures do not make pleasant summer holiday reading for the government. Public sector debt, at ?1.3trn, is now over 77% of GDP. And while it is encouraging that VAT receipts are up 5.5%, reflecting an increased level of economic activity, it is clear from the figures that it is difficult to contain government spending. If we are to bring public finances under control then structural changes need to take place.
  “We urge the government to take steps to reform the Treasury into a modern finance ministry, to consolidate and manage all spending and revenue across Whitehall, to enforce financial discipline and provide strategic advice to Ministers. Only then can the government truly work to fix our public finances and deliver value for money throughout our public services.”
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