云南学员请留意了!高顿网校小编及时更新有关ACA考试的*7资讯:Interest rate rise may threaten insolvency downward trend.
Commenting in response to Q2 2014 Insolvency Statistics, Head of Enterprise at ICAEW, Clive Lewis, said:
“The fact that company insolvencies continue to fall, and are lower than they were a year ago, is a significant step toward a more stable economy. With the number of companies entering voluntary liquidation at the lowest level since 2008, business survival rates have come a long way since the recession. However, we do expect an increase in insolvencies when interest rates rise, particularly if companies have been overtrading because of the rapid growth in the UK economy.
“Our economic forecast tells us that the UK economy is expected to grow by 3.4% this year, twice as fast as the growth seen last year and up from our previous projection of 3.3%. But we are still in a fairly early stage of recovery. Businesses expect most growth over the next year to be domestic sales rather than exports, so this is not a trade-led recovery. In addition, many businesses report that availability of skills is a greater challenge than a year ago. The inability to acquire suitably-skilled staff may act as a cap on growth, holding back economic performance.”
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报考指南: 2014年ACA考试报考指南
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