福建的ACA学员们请看:通过ACA学习的技能发展 - Professional Stage

来源: 高顿网校 2014-08-12
  全球各地的ACA学员都将ACA资格认证视为获得高薪的关键,也是灵活就业、获得重要岗位的钥匙。请福建的ACA学员们跟随高顿网校的小编一起看一看:Skills Progression through the ACA Qualification(Professional Stage)。
  1.Knowledge modules(Core technical knowledge and skills)
  Understanding the required data or information as given
  Recognition of the technical or professional issue based on knowledge learned
  Performing the required calculations
  Identifying the best explanation
  Identifying the best solution or steps
  2.Application modules(Technical knowledge and skills and practical application)
  Understanding the requirement
  Understanding the straightforward scenario and issues
  Limited analysis of data and information to support the requirement
  Drawing upon technical and professional knowledge learned
  Explaining, listing, drafting or stating briefly the issues or solution
  Preparing, describing, outlining the advice, report, notes required
  报考指南: 2014年ACA考试报考指南 
  考前冲刺:ACA考试经验分享   考试辅导
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