浙江的ACA学子报考别错过,通过ACA学习的技能发展-Advanced Stage

来源: 高顿网校 2014-08-12
  浙江的ACA学员报考别错过!!!虽然ACA考试很热门,但是我们不能只关注学习,高顿网校小编为ACA学员详细介绍:Skills Progression through the ACA Qualification(Advanced Stage).
  1.Technical integration modules(Technical integration skills applied in complex scenarios)
  Identifying technical issues and business implications
  Analysis of requirements, data and situation
  Selection of technical options and solutions
  Application of technical rules, models and techniques
  Identification of risks and ethical issues
  Communication of opinions, reservations, advice, recommendations, plans, solutions, options and risks including business implications
  2.Case Study(Analytical, evaluative and integration skills applied in scenarios of major complexity)
  Identification of business and technical issues
  Application of technical knowledge to identified issues
  Understanding of scenario and wider business issues
  Understanding of the relevance of data and information based on learnt, experienced and inferred knowledge
  Selection of appropriate analytical tools
  Analysis and evaluation of requirements, situation and data
  Assessment of quality of information
  Balanced judgement of priorities, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
  Consideration of other perspectives, including competitive reaction and internal reaction
  Conclusions and recommendations based on evidence, implications, assumptions and information generated
  高顿网校小编为ACA学员们介绍一下英国的旅游景点:伦敦眼也叫千禧之轮,坐落于泰晤士河南岸,是英国为庆祝2000年的来临而建造的。伦敦眼还提供环泰晤士河游船观景服务(London Eye River Cruise),在40分钟左右的航程中可以欣赏到沿河的各处景点。游船票价为13英镑,感兴趣的话建议购买摩天轮+游船套票(32.95英镑)。
  报考指南: 2014年ACA考试报考指南 
  考前冲刺:ACA考试经验分享   考试辅导
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