ACA云南:ACA Accounting - Module aim

来源: 高顿网校 2014-08-19
  ACA由15门课程组成,证书级别6门、专业级别6门及高级阶段3门,高顿网校小编为云南的ACA考生介绍:ACA Accounting - Module aim
  To ensure that students have a sound understanding of the techniques of double entry accounting and can apply its principles in recording transactions, adjusting financial records and preparing non-complex financial statements.
  On completion of this module, students will be:
  · explain the concept of assurance, why assurance is required and the reasons for assurance engagements being carried out by appropriately qualified professionals
  · explain the nature of internal controls and why they are important, document an organisation’s internal controls and identify weaknesses in internal control systems
  · select sufficient and appropriate methods of obtaining assurance evidence and recognise when conclusions can be drawn from evidence obtained or where issues need to be referred to a senior colleague
  · understand the importance of ethical behaviour to a professional and explain issues relating to integrity, objectivity, conflicts of interest, conflicts of loyalty, confidentiality and independence.
  高顿网校小编为ACA学员们介绍一下英国的旅游景点:大英博物馆的主楼仿效了古希腊式的建筑,正门是高大的柱廊,两旁各有8根又粗又高的罗马式圆柱,上方是装饰着浮雕的山墙屋顶。从正门进入馆内,即到达大中庭,由大中庭(Great Court)连接着的,是四面八方100多个展厅。
  报考指南: 2014年ACA考试报考指南 
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