云南学员看ACA新闻:Details lacking in Ed Balls speech says ICAEW

来源: 高顿网校 2014-09-29

Details lacking in Ed Balls speech says ICAEW

  Commenting on Ed Balls speech at the Labour Party Conference, ICAEW Chief Executive, Michael Izza, said:
  'There was not nearly enough detail in Ed Balls’ speech on how he would balance the books in the next parliament should he be chancellor. We continue to call for a CFO at the Cabinet Table with the authority to provide a regimented oversight of public finances. Manifesto promises such as the ?8 minimum wage need to be paid for but Labour has not provided any explanation as to how.'
  'Exports aren’t doing as well as we’d all like, so any extra support to help firms trade is good news and Labour has recognised that this issue needs to be tackled.'
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