The aims of ACIIA
To achieve the vision, ACIIA is to provide dynamic leadership for the profession of internal auditing : to coordinate the development, enhancement and promotion of the internal auditing profession in the Asian Region. Key aims in support of this vision are :
Enhance the standards and practices of the profession through certification and the adoption of international and regional best practices in internal auditing.
Assist in the growth and development of the Institutes of Internal Auditors (IIA Affiliates) affiliates to the Institute of Internal Auditors incorporated in the United States of America (IIA Global) through networking, marketing, education and research and information sharing.
Foster a strong and cohesive profession by providing leadership on emerging issues; coordinating with IIA Global and other IIA Affiliates to achieve appropriate strategic objectives.
Enhance the image and interests of the internal auditing profession regionally through the promotion of its role and achievements.
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