
来源: 高顿网校 2014-08-11
第六部分Part 6
财务会计与财务报表分析Financial Accounting and Financial Statement Analysis
财务报告环境Financial Reporting Environment
商业活动和主要财务报表Business Activities and Principal Financial Statements
财务报表的应用Financial Reporting Issues
财务报表编制与列报框架Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements
现金流量表Statement of Cash Flows
现金流量表的基本原理Rationale for the Statement of Cash Flows
收入流和现金流的关系Relation between Income Flows and Cash Flows
公认会计原则:收入确认Generally Accepted Accounting Principles: Income Recognition
权责发生制Accrual Basis
公认会计原则:资产、负债和所有者权益Generally Accepted Accounting Principles: Assets, Liabilities and Shareholders Equities
资产:确认、计量和分类Assets: Recognition, Valuation and Classification
所有者权益Shareholders’ Equities
企业合并Business Combination
兼并和收购Mergers and Acquisitions
合并财务报表Consolidated Financial Statements
外币业务Foreign Currency Transactions
外币业务Foreign Currency Transaction
海外业务的财务报表Financial Statements of Foreign Operations
财务报告和财务报表分析Financial Reporting and Financial Statement Analysis
利润与现金流Income Flow vs Cash Flow
利润的质量和利润管理Quality of Earning, Earnings Management
每股收益Earnings per Share
分部报告Segment Reporting
中期报告Interim Financial Statements
深入了解财务报表的分析性工具Analytical Tools for Gaining Financial Statement Insights
资产负债表Balance Sheet
损益表Income Statement
评估盈利性和风险的分析工具Analytical Tools for Assessing Profitability and Risk
盈利性分析Profitability Analysis
风险分析Risk Analysis
盈亏平衡分析Break-even Analysis
预计财务报表Pro Forma Financial Statements


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