2015syllabus-CIMA’s business-ready qualification
CIMA has introduced an updated syllabus and assessment method for its professional qualification which will take effect from January 2015. It will give you the business skills required by leading employers around the world.
Informed by business for business, our updated syllabus and assessment focuses on ‘employability’ by helping you develop all the competencies the modern business world wants.
If you want the blend of business acumen and core accounting skills that top organisations around the world have told us they need, then study CIMA.
CGMA Competency Framework
We did comprehensive research with finance professionals and employers around the world to help us understand the knowledge and skills the business world needs. Then we used that fresh understanding to develop the Competency Framework.
However, we didn’t stop there. The Competency Framework allowed us to update our syllabus and assessment in a way that ensures employers get the skill sets they want from finance professionals. That's how we can increase your 'employability.'
Our updated syllabus
The updated syllabus remains as strong as ever on the core accounting skill, but we have added new material such as ‘Big Data’, sustainability, integrated reporting and finance function transformation. We have strengthened key themes such as risk, as well as costing and cost management, and adjusted the weightings of some syllabus topics.
What’s the benefit to you? Our updated syllabus and assessment mean that the real-life skills and competencies employers need are woven into the syllabus and thoroughly assessed. Passing your CIMA assessments at every level shows to an employer that you have a grasp of theory and practice.
Our new approach to assessment
We have updated the structure, type, technology and frequency of assessments for the professional qualification. For the first time at CIMA, all assessments will be computer based and in the case of the objective tests will be available ‘on demand’.
We will hold objective tests for each of nine subjects and an integrated case study at each level of the CIMA syllabus: operational, management and strategic. The first examinations under the new assessment method will take place in January 2015.
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