“I started my career in Unilever in 1980, having already qualified as a lawyer. During the next 2 years, Unilever gave me the opportunity to take the CIMA exams-or Cost & Management Accounting as they were called in those days- so I am pleased to say I have been a qualified member of CIMA for over 20 years.
It is a wonderfully practical qualification for anyone interested in a career in business - whether running your own company or part of a Fortune 500 Multinational such as Unilever.
I commend the CIMA qualification to prospective students wholeheartedly.”
——Alan Brown FCMA Chairman, Unilever China
——Alan Brown FCMA 联合利华(中国)总裁
"The decision to become a Management Accountant was one of the key decisions I made when I started life in the business world. I chose CIMA not only because it is a technical accounting qualification but also because it provides a grounding in all key areas of business. It is this second point that distinguishes CIMA from most other accounting qualifications and which has proved invaluable in my career. It has given me the tools and understanding to face each new challenge of my career with confidence and equally importantly the structure needed to make sense of the practical learning from these experiences.
"As China develops, the role of an accountant in business will continue to evolve from managing transactions to supporting and driving the business. The skill set that a CIMA qualification provides will be increasingly valued in China. It is for this reason that I am happy to recommend CIMA to those seeking to build a career as a business oriented Finance professional."
——Jonathan Nicholls ACMA Head of Finance & Operations, Greater China,Adidas
——江大成 ACMA 阿迪达斯 大中国区财务运营总监
" I chose CIMA because I wanted a wider spectrum of career opportunities within Finance and Management. Having now worked on all continents across all functions and management levels my faith has been fully rewarded. I firmly believe CIMA continues to offer this advantage over other accountancy qualifications."
——Dave Johnson ACMA Finance Director,Reckitt Benckiser China
——Dave Johnson ACMA 活力美洁时中国 财务总监
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