1. Review stakeholder expectations:
You need to ask “who are our stakeholders?” and “what do they expect from us?” This will determine the critical areas your organisation needs to address in order to be perceived as successful.
2. Strategic objectives clarification selection:
Once the stakeholders’ expectations are identified, you need to express these as strategic objectives. Strategic objectives are clear statements of what the organisation needs to achieve. They must be few in number and should address the different stakeholders'requirements.
3. Success map:
A success map is a visual tool that shows how lower level objectives link to higher level strategic objectives. It is a powerful communication tool that explains “what” is to be achieved and “why”. It also shows where each part of the organisation contributes to achieving these goals.
4. Objectives prioritisation:
Most companies try to achieve too much. It is much better to prioritise and deliver fewer objectives than fail to deliver on too wide a range of goals. The focus will help employees too as they will be very clear about what is important in the coming period.
5. Operationalisation:
This means designing appropriate performance measures. How you define the measure will drive behaviour. So KPIs must reflect the organisation’s goals and encourage the right behaviour from those responsible for delivering the goals.
6. Data collection:
This step is often overlooked.You need to collect timely and relatively accurate information as a basis for setting your targets. Data is never perfect, but it does have to be consistent and reliable enough to be fit for purpose.
7. Data analysis:
This is fundamental. You have to draw on your knowledge of the past and of the future to project what is going to happen. You also have to analyse the capability of your processes. Are the processes capable of delivering the forecast? Most companies forecast, but fewer reassess their capabilities.
8. Set targets:
Based on the previous steps, this is the point you set the target. Judgement is required and you need to assess the risk of getting the target wrong. This is also where most organisations stop, but this is not the end of the process.
9. Action plan design:
An action plan is required covering all the projects and changes to the organisation that are needed to ensure the target is reached. This may include training, new processes, new IT systems or ways of working with your customers.
10. Action plan discussion and agreement:
The plan must be communicated to staff. The communication has to be two way and done regularly. Regular staff meetings where the objectives are restated, goals outlined and progress discussed is a good format. Sending out the annual targets by email is not!
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