CIMA:李默存(What CIMA means to me)
CIMA 商业精英挑战赛参赛队员:李默存( Leading the Way to Professional——What CIMA means to me)
Participating in the 2013 GBC is just a tiny encounter for me, a senior accountingmajor student. In Oct,2012, my teammates Mechel Wu& Windy Ju found me, asking me to join them in CIMA GBC. All this came at a surprise but naturally, and together we began an amazing journey: reading cases, looking up information, soaping ourselves in books, debating and analyzing… All these snapshots came as memorable and valuable experiences which helped us won the runner-up in the north-east regional final. This is the first CIMA prize in our school history. In a way, we made the history.
However, what touched me most is not the honours we won or the applauds we got, but the thoughts and deliberation CIMA GBC gave me. From the competition to the career camp in Qingdao, every details, every plans and every words of CIMA people shows their affection and encouragement to us future business participants. I could not help thinking what does professional career mean to me and how will I gain succeed through all my ambitions and practice? CIMA gain me the answer: To look forward and encounter new profession, to step on the ground and do real works; to learn eagerly and accomplish new life-plans; and to communicate effectively and get new highlights.
For me, these are not just slogans, but golden mottos from people I respect and love. For them I would like to salute and give my greetings, for those people are CIMA members, staff and real business leaders, who taught us future generation to step up in our professional career. Getting involved in GBC competition was a head start to a life-long goal--to be a real professional and to be a real someone. Because in the future business world what matters is not about who you are and where you are from ,But what you’ve got and what you are about to give. CIMA, with its long history and professional attitudes, gave me the answer and lead me on the way to the future career.
I make the promise right here right now that CIMA will see a bright new me in 10 years.
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