汇丰银行(中国)有限公司招聘Reporting and Domestic Operations Assistant

来源: 高顿网校 2015-02-06
  高顿网校小编在2月6号星期五为大家带来一篇热点招聘的文章——汇丰银行(中国)有限公司招聘Reporting and Domestic Operations Assistant,敬请各位人士们的关注。  Reporting and Domestic Operations Assistant 职位描述:
  Job Responsibilities:
  In this role, you will:
  To prepare all regulatory reporting (including P/L and B/S) to be submitted to CSRC, SAFE and other regulators;
  To maintain control on clients’ injections/ repatriations and FX and ensure adherence to applicable regulations;
  To maintain control on clients’ investment quota and ensure that they are within the limits approved by SAFE;
  To handle the operation of Corporate Trust and Loan Agency (CTLA), e.g. Escrow Account;
  To draft reply of client’s inquiries and requests;
  To maintain contact with clients and client’s auditors to facilitate the reporting process
  To assist supervisors in streamlining operation procedures;
  To participate internal and regulator’s system enhancement and testing;
  To adhere to the relevant guidelines, procedures and SLAs in terms of deadlines and quality;
  To accept/perform any tasks/job arrangement assigned by the supervisors
  Job Requirements:
  Fluent written and spoken English;
  Obtain any one(s) of the certificates of CET 4 (500) or CET 6 (530), GMAT (550), IELTS (6) or TOEFL (80)
  Ability to work under pressure;
  Strong sense of responsibility;
  Carefulness and patience;
  Basic knowledge of Accounting and Securities.

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