The future of audit regulation
The November issue of A Plus, out now, covers the ongoing audit profession oversight consultation which aims to align Hong Kong with international practices (HONG KONG, 14 November 2013) – Members of the Hong Kong Institute of CPAs are in the process of a consultation that will change the future of the audit profession in Hong Kong. The three-month consultation, on a framework developed by the Institute, the government and the Financial Report Council, aims to formulate an effective system for the independent oversight of listed-company auditors.
Other stories in the November issue include:
IFAC president visits Hong Kong Warren Allen provides a midterm report covering his presidency of the International Federation of Accountants, representing 2.5 million professionals around the world. He laments that the poor public sector financial system is the cause of many countries' economic problems, including the U.S. and Euro zone members.
Success ingredient in Ocean Trawlers
Institute member Eymon Tsang, director of Ocean Trawlers, the world's biggest supplier of seafood, such as cod and haddock, caught from Russian waters, explains the importance of sustainable fishing and the potential of Chinese consumers.
Spreadsheet risks
Several recent high-profile mistakes have highlighted the dangers of putting too much faith in spreadsheets. This article looks into how finance personnel can avoid the pitfalls of creating a major misstatement out of a simple error.
CPAs as authors
Whether it is about the latest economic issues, hottest eateries or impressive travel experiences, many CPAs are passionately spending time on writing and sharing their knowledge.
Workplace flexibility
While many accounting firms have adopted workplace flexibility to help women to return from maternity leave and other staff to attend to personal issues, this article finds out Hong Kong still needs to catch up with the rest of the developed world.
To discuss more about the magazine and the ideas it raises, please call Stella To, deputy director of communications of the Hong Kong Institute of CPAs, at 2287-7209.
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