香港注册会计师协会HKICPA Trust Fund

来源: 高顿网校 2014-06-25
  高顿网校小编为您介绍HKICPA香港注册会计师协会HKICPA Trust Fund:
  The Institute has established a trust fund for the relief of poverty by providing assistance to people experiencing severe financial hardship and who are members of Hong Kong Institute of CPAs or dependants of people who were members of Hong Kong Institute of CPAs or Hong Kong Society of Accountants when they died.
  The trustees seek to support members to continue working as CPAs, aiming to help them during a period of severe financial hardship to re-establish their financial independence.
  Bereavement, old age, unemployment through ill-health, accident are examples of causes of poverty which may be considered in applications to the HKICPA Trust Fund. The trustees may also consider applications where members have been unemployed for at least six months and are experiencing severe financial hardship.
  Financial assistance to members is in the form of payment of the Institute's annual membership fees, a grant or a loan.

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