HKICPA香港注册会计师协会Application forms

来源: 高顿网校 2014-06-25
  高顿网校小编为您介绍HKICPA香港注册会计师协会Application forms
  Please download the relevant application form for completion and mail to the Institute, with documentary evidence, as required, on or before 15 December 2013 for the membership renewal 2014.
  1.Application for financial assistance towards payment of the Institute's annual membership fees where the applicant is unemployed: up to three consecutive years.
  2.Application for financial assistance towards payment of the Institute's annual membership fees where the applicant is unemployed as a result of ill-health.
  Applicants applying for payment of the Institute's annual membership fee after three consecutive payments of the Institute's membership fees made by the trust fund should use form 3.
  The HKICPA Trust Fund, being a charitable trust, is exempt from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. Administration of the trust fund is vested with four trustees who are the incumbent president, the incumbent immediate past president, one vice president and a former council member of the Institute.
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