HKICPA上海:关于Renewal requirements的内容概述

来源: 高顿网校 2014-07-07
  香港注册会计师协会于1973年1月1日成立,是香港*10法定专业会计师注册组织,专责培训、发展及监管本港的会计专业。在进入大陆后,得到了大陆有关机构和同学们的高度认可。因此,报考HKICPA的同学也逐步增多,下面就让高顿网校小编带上海的同学详细了解一下HKICPA Renewal requirements。
  Renewal requirements
  Under the Professional Accountants Ordinance, all registration ends on 31 December each year. An application for renewal of registration shall be made to the Registrar of the Institute not later than 15 December in the year preceding in such form as the Council may specify.
  For details, please refer to the following links:
  For enquiries relating to renewal of registration, please email us at:
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