甘肃的同学,你们知道HKICPA CPD的内容吗?

来源: 高顿网校 2014-07-08
        HKICPA香港注册会计师考试近几年在境内外获得比其它国际会计资格更实际的发展空间。下面,高顿网校小编为甘肃的考生介绍关于HKICPA CPD,如下:
  About CPD
  The objectives of CPD are to:
  Maintain and enhance the technical knowledge and professional skills possessed by members.
  Assist members to apply new techniques, understand economic development and evaluate its impact on members’ clients or organizations and on their own work, and to meet changing responsibilities and expectations.
  Provide reasonable assurance to society at large that members have the technical knowledge and professional skills required to perform their services.

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