HKICPA:Can activity be counted as verifiable CPD activity?

来源: 高顿网校 2014-07-08
  高顿网校小编为您解答关于:I participate in my company's in-house training sessions and occasionally I am involved as a speaker. Can this type of activity be counted as verifiable CPD activity?
  Ans:Participation in company's in-house training courses is recognised as verifiable CPD activity provided you are able to provide objective verification by an independent source.
  In principle, time spent by a member in assimilating knowledge on professional, technical and managerial subjects relevant to his/her work as a CPA is recognised as constituting continuing professional development. Therefore being a course speaker or presenter of topics relevant to your professional responsibilities is considered to be a CPD activity. Time spent in preparing the presentation of relevant topics is also counted as CPD hours.
  However, repeated presentations of the same material (especially within a short period of time) will not be counted as CPD activity unless the repeated work entails updating of the presentation material. In this case only the time spent on research and updating the material should be counted as CPD hours.
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