HKICPA:How can I get attendance records from the Institute?

来源: 高顿网校 2014-07-08
  高顿网校小编为您解答关于:I am also a member of another professional accountancy institute. To comply with CPD requirements of other professional bodies, I need documentary evidence to support my attendance of CPD seminars organised by the Hong Kong Institute of CPAs. How can I get attendance records from the Institute?
  Ans:Members have to collect a stamped CPD record form provided by the Institute at the end of each CPD event if the member needs a record of attendance to substantiate their CPD hours earned for the purpose of complying with CPD requirements of other organisations.
  Please note that My CPA may not be suitable evidence or record for your attended CPD hours complying with other professional bodies' CPD requirements. Members are advised to follow the requirements of those other bodies.

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