青海科普学习:specialist qualifications and specialist designations

来源: 高顿网校 2014-07-11
  请考生不要再对HKICPA的相关知识一无所知啦!青海的同学赶快跟进高顿网校小编的脚步,我们一起来学习一下specialist qualifications and specialist designations。
  Specialist Qualifications and Designations
  Background for specialist qualifications and specialist designations
  As Hong Kong’s business environment becomes increasingly sophisticated, so too do the roles of CPAs. They are increasingly asked not only to analyze the numbers, but to manage whole sections of companies, providing leadership and expertise to make businesses succeed. Such complex challenges require specialized skills and mindsets.
  Specialist qualification (SQ)
  The Institute's fifth long range plan refers to the implementation of a professional qualification as a longer term goal to be achieved in relevant specialist areas. The development of such qualifications by the Institute should help enhance the status of professionals working in the field.
  Specialist qualifications are examination based and obtained through post (professional) qualification training and examinations. Generally, they will be open to both members and non members of the Institute.
  Specialist designation (SD)
  The fifth long range plan also envisages the creation of specialist designations, initially for members of the Institute.  A specialist designation is a form of accreditation in a specialized field which recognizes a member's specialist experience and competence and is supported by quality assurance and regulations.
  Specialist designations offer practitioners working in a particular field the recognition of a defined level of experience and competence.
  For users of specialist services, specialist designations provide a way to measure the experience and standing of practitioners to inform their appointment decisions.
  For members aspiring to reach the top of a specialist field, specialist designations provide a valuable career path.
  SQ and SD in insolvency
  The Institute's first SQ and SD, in insolvency, keep Hong Kong’s insolvency practitioners standing at the forefront of the accounting world, and help users of insolvency services identify sound choices for their appointments.
  The Institute's diploma in insolvency achieved specialist qualification status in June 2010.
  SD (Insolvency), the Institute's first specialist designation, was introduced in December 2010 with suitably experienced members invited to apply: click here for more information.
  Holders of the insolvency specialist designation may use the expressions SD (Insolvency) and 专项资格 (破产重整) after their names.

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