HKICPA黑龙江:关于Information technology interest group的分析

来源: 高顿网校 2014-07-14
  很多HKICPA的黑龙江的同学们估计还不知道,HKICPA还有一个Information technology interest group!不要惊讶,让高顿网校小编为您详细介绍一下。
  Information technology interest group
  To provide an informal forum for members interested in IT to exchange views and discuss matters of mutual interest and concerns in a professional perspective.
  To organise educational events on IT related topics.
  To facilitate networking opportunities for interest group members.
  ITIG organizing committee
  The membership of the organizing committee is comprised of the following 10 members:
  Mr. Vincent Chan (Co-convenor)
  Mr. Victor Tan (Co-convenor)
  Mr. Derry Fong
  Ms. Elisa Yim
  Mr. Gregory Lo
  Mr. Ivan Chan
  Mr. Kenneth Wong
  Mr. Percy Poon
  Mr. Henry Shek

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