陕西同学HKICPA的交流平台:Financial services interest group

来源: 高顿网校 2014-07-16
  陕西的香港注册会计师的考生听说过Financial services interest group吗?他给大家提供了一个金融服务工作领域交换意见的平台。来看看他的详细介绍吧!
  Financial services interest group
  To provide a platform for members working in financial services to exchange views of common interest
  To organize activities for members who are interested in the field of financial services
  FSIG organizing committee
  The membership of the organizing committee is comprised of the following 12 members:
  Michael Chan (Convenor)
  Jeffery Chan
  Mark Ho
  Lily Kwok
  Paul Tsang
  Maria Xuereb
  Herbert Chan
  Paul Chan
  Alex Kwok
  Leo Lee
  Selena Tsang
  Victor Yeung

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