江苏考生:HKICPA针对内地的Mainland business interest group
香港注册会计师HKICPA在内地的影响力越来越强,因此也针对内地开展了独特的兴趣小组——Mainland business interest group,身为内地江苏的考生,你们肯定是需要了解一下的!
Mainland business interest group
Mainland business interest group (MBIG) is formed in response to the views expressed by Institute members in a survey on members' needs and interests on mainland-related matters and was launched in 1999. The activities of the MBIG are organised by the Institute at the advice of the MBIG organizing committee.
To provide a forum and network for members doing business, research or working in the mainland to share experiences and discuss matters of mutual interest and concern.
To organize seminars or briefing sessions on topics of interest to members doing business, research or working in the mainland.
To provide channels of communication between the Institute and its members doing business, research or working in the mainland.
Membership profile (as at 30 Jun 2014)
No. of members: 1116
(including 1081 local Institute members, 35 Institute members residing outside Hong Kong.)
No. of PC holders: 303
No. of non-practising members: 813
MBIG activities
The MBIG organizing committee has since its formation organized a number of seminars and study missions on areas where Institute members may have encountered difficulties when doing business, research or working in the mainland. These MBIG events deal with specific operational issues; carry an in-depth coverage of the issues discussed; and cater for members engaged in specific industry. MBIG members will be invited to join the events and informed of any other relevant mainland information via the MBIG circulars sent through email.
China Desk
The MBIG organizing committee is overseeing a China Desk service to provide free advisory services and information to Institute members on mainland related issues.
How to join
Please complete and return the membership application form. No enrolment fee is required.
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