
来源: 高顿网校 2014-07-18
  HKICPA:Property, infrastructure & construction interest group给广大HKICPA广西的学子提供了一个平台大家在房产 基础设施建设工作上有兴趣的同学互相交换意见,增长知识!
 Property, infrastructure & construction interest group
  To provide a platform for members working in property, infrastructure and construction to exchange views of common interest
  To organize activities for members who are interested in the field of property, infrastructure and construction
  PICIG organizing committee
  The membership of the organizing committee is comprised of the following 11 members:
  Peter Choy (Convenor)
  Everett Chui
  Zaloit Lam
  Clarence Lo
  Emmie Siu
  Alan Wong
  Raymond Chan
  Phoebe Lai
  Sharon Law
  Philip Pong
  Edith Tang
  K.H. Woo
  The group holds evening seminars, study tour and other events focusing on property, infrastructure and construction.
  Upcoming event
DateTopicNature of activity
11 Jul 14Quantity Surveying Practice and Construction Costs in Hong KongSeminar
8 Aug 14Visit to Civil Aviation Department HeadquartersVisit

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