HKICPA:辽宁的同学想要知道如何加入SMP Discussion Group吗?
SMP Discussion Group在众多的HKICPA香港注册会计师的兴趣小组里广受关注!辽宁的同学想要知道如何加入吗?来看看高顿网校小编为您整理的相关内容吧!
SMP Discussion Group
SMP Discussion Group
SMP Discussion Group (“SMPDG”) is formed to provide a platform to enable members working in small and medium practices to exchange views and discuss matters of common interest and concern; and to serve as a communication channel between SMPDG members, the SMP Leadership Panel ("SMPLP") and the Institute on issues of particular concerns to SMPs.
The activities of the SMPDG are organised by the Institute at the advice of the SMPLP.
SMPDG Activities
Dinner forums
Experience sharing sessions
Networking functions
Upcoming events
Date | Topic |
14 July 2014 | SMP Discussion Group Gathering - hot issues that you should be aware of |
18 July 2014 | Quality Assurance Forum - Practice review - common findings and new way forward |
How to join
HKICPA members who are interested in joining the SMPDG should complete the membership application form and return it to the Institute's Member Support Department. No enrolment fee is required.
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