贵州须知:HKICPA Young Members Group**年轻成员与学院的沟通渠道

来源: 高顿网校 2014-07-25
  贵州须知:香港注册会计师协会举办的Young Members Group旨在让年轻成员学院之间提供沟通渠道!因此年轻的成员们千万不要错过了哦!
  Young Members Group
  The Young Members Group supports the work of the Institute in providing activities and services for young members. Its terms of reference are as follows:
  To establish a network of young members for exchange of views, sharing of experience, posting of questions, discussion of common issues and involvement in events and projects to cultivate their sense of belonging to the Institute.
  To provide effective channels of communication between young members and the Institute.
  To offer mentorship to young members.
  To assist the development of young members' business networking through closer interaction with suitable groups.
  To provide an effective platform to nurture young members.
  To utilize the expertise and knowledge of the Young Members Group to identify current and developing issues that may be suitable topics for CPD and educational events and/or research and other thought leadership projects.  The Young Member Group will advise the Executive Committee of potential topics for selection and prioritization of work to be undertaken.
  Upcoming events
2 August 2014The Success Ingredient: Sharing Session on Making a Difference to Society
26 July 2014Youth Forum - "Hong Kong 2030: An Ideal City?"

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