Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants
On 1 July 2010 the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) and CPA Australia renewed their mutual recognition agreement (MRA) for five years.
The renewed MRA further develops the relationship between the two bodies and establishes guidelines on how qualified members can gain reciprocal membership. Transitional arrangements are in place for the 2000 and 2005 MRAs.
Pathway to membership
The following steps demonstrate the pathway for members of HKICPA who wish to apply for membership of CPA Australia.
Step 1: Determine eligibility
CPA Australia accepts membership applications from around the globe. If you are a full member of HKICPA, you are eligible to apply for CPA Australia membership if you:
are a member of good standing and not under any investigation for professional conduct infringements
did not gain entry to membership through another mutual recognition agreement
have successfully completed: the HKICPA Qualifications Programme
the HKIPCA practical experience requirements
have a university degree recognised by HKICPA
hold a university degree recognised by the Australian Education International – National Office of Overseas Skills Recognition as at least equivalent to Australian bachelor degree level. This will be determined during the assessment of your application.
2010 MRA
To become a member of CPA Australia under the 2010 MRA, members of HKICPA must:
be registered as a student of HKICPA’s Qualification Programme in Hong Kong on or after 1 September 2010
hold an accredited or recognised university degree
pass HKICPA's Qualification Programme in Hong Kong
meet HKICPA's practical experience requirements as recognised by CPA Australia
hold the CPA or FCPA status of HKICPA and be a member in good standing
When an applicant has taken up permanent residency in Australia (as opposed to working or residing temporarily in Australia), they must pass university exams offered on behalf of CPA Australia or HKICPA in the appropriate subject or subjects of Australian company, taxation or other laws as prescribed by the By-Laws from time-to-time of CPA Australia.
2005 MRA: Transitional arrangements
To become a member of CPA Australia under the transitional arrangements of the 2005 MRA, members of HKICPA must:
be registered as a student of HKICPA’s Qualification Programme between 1 July 2005 and 31 August 2010
hold an accredited or recognised university degree
pass HKICPA's Qualification Programme by 30 June 2012
meet HKICPA's practical experience requirements as recognised by CPA Australia
hold the CPA or FCPA status of HKICPA and be a member in good standing
make an application of membership to CPA Australia by 30 June 2015
When an applicant has taken up permanent residency in Australia (as opposed to working or residing temporarily in Australia), they must pass university examinations offered on behalf of CPA Australia or HKICPA in the appropriate subject or subjects of Australian company, taxation or other laws as prescribed by the By-Laws from time-to-time of CPA Australia.
HKICPA members who were registered as a student of HKICPA’s Qualification Programme between 1 July 2005 and 31 August 2010 but failed to pass HKICPA's Qualification Programme by 30 June 2012 will fall under the 2010 MRA.
2000 MRA: Transitional arrangements
To become a member of CPA Australia under the transitional arrangements of the 2000 MRA, members of HKICPA must:
be registered as a student of HKICPA’s Qualification Programme before 1 July 2005
hold an accredited or recognised university degree
pass HKICPA's Qualification Programme
meet HKICPA's practical experience requirements as recognised by CPA Australia
hold the CPA or FCPA status of HKICPA and be a member in good standing
When an applicant has taken up permanent residency in Australia (as opposed to working or residing temporarily in Australia), pass university examinations offered on behalf of CPA Australia or HKICPA in the appropriate subject or subjects of Australian company, taxation or other laws as prescribed by the By-Laws from time-to-time of CPA Australia.
Step 2: Complete application
Complete the application form and submit it with the following:
assessment fee and membership fee
certified true copies of 100 points of identification (see application form for points values)
a letter of good standing from HKICPA that contains the following information:
the date you joined HKICPA as a student of the Qualification Programme
the date you achieved your current member status
the date your membership fees are paid to
confirmation that you are not a member of HKICPA by virtue of another MRA
confirmation that you are not subject to any disciplinary sanctions or investigation and have not been
subject to any disciplinary sanctions in the past five years
certified true copy of an official transcript from HKICPA
certified true copies of official university transcript and degree certificate
change of name documentation (if applicable)
Please ensure you provide an email address with your application.
Step 3: Submit application
Send your application with certified true copies of your documents to ma.comms@cpaaustralia.com.au or mail them to:
CPA Australia
Member Services
GPO Box 2820
Alternatively, you can mail your application to your nearest CPA Australia office.
Step 4: Processing of application
Your application will take approximately 10 to 15 working days to process. If there are any queries about your application, a CPA Australia employee will contact you.
If your application is successful, an email will be sent to you informing you of your success. A welcome pack will follow by post.
If your application is unsuccessful, an email will be sent to you outlining the reasons why. We will provide advice about how you can meet CPA Australia's membership requirements.
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