浙江已经加入了HKICPA TUE Programme的成员对TUE Programme清楚吗?

来源: 高顿网校 2014-07-31
  浙江学霸中,已经加入了HKICPA TUE Programme的成员,你们对于What is TUE and Why should you attend?Who should attend?When should you attend?都清楚吗?
  What is TUE and Why should you attend?
  TUE is Technical Update Evening
  TUE is a learning initiative offered and hosted by the Institute's technical support team
  TUE is a regular session on topical matters in financial reporting, auditing and ethics
  TUE is a resourceful means to build up knowledge on current accounting, auditing and ethical issues
  TUE helps you to explore key areas of complexity within the standards and to increase participants' abilities to deal with issues arising from the standards
  TUE provides a friendly environment for participants to learn at ease
  TUE provides a continuous learning program for participants to earn CPD hours
  Who should attend?
  Members in practice
  Preparers of financial statements
  Financial controllers
  Members and registered students who wish to keep abreast of the Institute’s latest technical developments
  When should you attend?
  TUE is a year round learning program offered on a regular basis
  TUE is typically held on Tuesday evening at the Institute

  TUE welcomes you all

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