
来源: 高顿网校 2014-09-10
  Accountants’ Report Project
  In view of the changes in market practices over the past two decades, the Institute embarked on a project to develop new standards and guidance to the Institute members on the reports and letters that are issued by reporting accountants, and on the preparation by the directors of listing applicants/listed companies of financial information, in connection with the issuance of investment circulars including prospectuses.
  Exposure Draft of Proposed Standards And Guidance For the Institute Members In Performing Listing Engagements (May 2004)
  The ED contains an Explanatory Memorandum and a comprehensive and robust set of 7 proposed standards and guidance for consultation by 14 August 2004:
  HKSIR 100 "Investment circulars and reporting accountants"
  HKSIR 200 "Accountants' reports on historical financial information in investment circulars"
  HKSIR 300 "Accountants' reports on pro forma financial information in investment circulars" (Final standard issued in March 2006)
  HKSIR 400 "Comfort letters and due diligence meetings on financial and non-financial information" (Final standard issued in October 2005)
  PN 2000 "Other letters issued in relation to investment circulars"
  AG 6 "Preparation of historical financial information for inclusion in investment circulars"
  AG 7 "Preparation of pro forma financial information for inclusion in investment circulars". (Final guideline issued in March 2006)

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