
来源: 高顿网校 2014-09-11
  Seminar for Consultation Paper on Review of Listing Rules on Disclosure of Financial Information with reference to the new Companies Ordinance and Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards

  Date:14 October 2014 (Tuesday)
  Time:7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
  Venue:Hong Kong Institute of CPAs, 27/F., Wu Chung House, 213 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong
  Speaker:Mr. Steve Ong, FCA, FCPA
        Senior Vice President, Head of Accounting Affairs, Listing Department
  Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
  Highlights:On 22 August 2014, The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited published a consultation paper seeking the market's view on proposed changes to the Listing Rules relating to the disclosures of financial information and consequential to the enactment of the new Companies Ordinance. The consultation paper also sets out proposed Rule amendments relating to minor policy issues and a number of housekeeping Rule amendments that involve no change in policy direction.
  Topics to be covered by this seminar include:
  1. Proposed Rule amendments relating to the disclosure of financial information
  - Changes resulting from the new Companies Ordinance
  - Streamlining of disclosure requirements that are already under Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards
  - Other proposed Rule amendments to enhance the Exchange's compliance and monitoring role relating to disclosure of financial information
  2. Proposed Rule amendments unrelated to the disclosure of financial information
  - Changes relating to the new Companies Ordinance
  - Minor Rule amendments
  - Housekeeping amendments which involve no change in policy direction
  Fee:Member HK$190        Non-member HK$330
  CPD Credit hours:1.5 hours
  Competency:Accounting and Financial Reporting
  Rating:Intermediate Level* - Sound understanding of the knowledge area. The ability to apply knowledge and skills to a range of situations and able to deal with new situations.

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