HKICPA:Help for students
1. I am interested in taking your professional examination in order to become a CPA in Hong Kong. What does the Qualification Programme entail
Ans: The QP comprises of four modules and a final examination. QP candidates gain knowledge through self-study, workshops and examinations in order to develop the necessary application skills and competencies which are essential for a CPA.
2. I hold a Hong Kong degree. Can I join your Institute to become a QP student Are any exemptions given
Ans: Basically, QP students are required to complete the QP in full, i.e. complete four QP modules and a final examination. If you have already completed a degree that has been accredited by the Institute, you are eligible to apply for student registration under the QP.
3. I completed my studies at an overseas university. Can I join your Institute to become a QP student Are any exemptions given
Ans: Basically, QP students are required to complete the QP in full, i.e. complete four QP modules and a final examination. If you have completed a non-Hong Kong based degree, you are required to get your qualification assessed on a case-by-case basis in order to determine if you are eligible to apply for a QP studentship.
4. What examination assistance functions are currently available to help registered students prepare for the QP module and final examinations
Ans: To help QP candidates prepare for the module examinations and final examination, the Institute organises two examination assistance functions for each examination session:
Module preparation seminars
A series of 3-hour seminars organised before the QP workshops, to reinforce a QP candidate’s understanding of the difficult topics highlighted in each module and to brush up their examination drilling techniques.
Final examination revision course
A 32-hour revision course offered jointly with the Hong Kong Baptist University. The focus of the course is on improving a candidate’s analytical skills and their techniques for handling examination questions.
5. I know there will be an enhanced QP to be implemented in 2010. Could you tell me more about the enhanced QP
Ans: The enhanced QP will be implemented in December 2010 examination session. No major structural change is proposed but there are various areas where enhancements are desirable. An Information Paper and FAQ have been prepared to let you know more about the enhanced QP.
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