1. 绝大部分形容词既可作定语又可作表语,但少数形容词只能作定语,放在名词前,常见的有: daily,weekly,monthly,former,latter,woolen,wooden;也有少数形容词只能作表语,置于be后,这些表语形容词一般以字母a开头。


afraid alive alone alike ashamed

awake aware asleep afire

例句: This alone demonstrates that the television business is not an easy world to survive in, a fact underlined by statistics that show that out of 80 European television networks, no less than 50 took a loss in 1989. (2005年第48题)

分析: 该句是复合句,含有多个从句,a fact underlined by statistics that后接一定语从句,show后又接一宾语从句,其中no less than可译为“不少于,至少”;take a loss 译为“亏本,赔本”。

译文: 仅这一点就足以证明,要在电视行业里生存下来并非易事,统计数字尤其说明了这一事实: 在欧洲国家的80个电视网络中,多达一半的公司在1989年亏损。

2. 作定语的形容词一般用作前置修饰语,但在下列情况中,形容词作后置定语。


例句: I'd say whenever you are going after something belonging to you, anyone who is depriving you of the right to have it is criminal. (1997年第21题)

分析: 该句是复合句,从句who is depriving you of the right to have it作anyone的定语,whenever you are going after something belonging to you作say的宾语从句中的状语。

译文: 我想说无论什么时候当你追求某种属于你的东西时,任何想剥夺你拥有它的权利的人都是在犯罪。


例句: Any student careful enough to take the exam is sure to succeed in the end.

分析: 该句是简单句,careful enough to take the exam 作定语修饰student。

译文: 参加考试的任何一位学生只要足够细心最终就一定会取得成功。



the member present (出席的成员)

court martial (军事法庭)

Secretary General (秘书长)

例句: I was unaware of the critical points involved, so my choice was quite arbitrary. (1998年第37题)

分析: 该句是复合句。

译文: 我没有意识到问题的关键所在,因此我的抉择十分武断。

例句: There were many people present and he appeared only for a few seconds, so I only caught a glimpse of him. (1998年第22题)

分析: 该句是复合句。

译文: 来的人很多,而他只到场一会儿,所以我只见了他一眼。

3. 表度量的形容词。

例句: There is a heavily polluted river 100 meters long in front of our small playground.

分析: 该句是简单句。

译文: 我们小操场前有一条长100米被严重污染的河。

4. 形容词并列用作定语时的位置。

限定词→数量(序数前、基数后)→形状→大小、长短、高低等度量→新旧→颜色→国籍→ 材料

例句: I have never seen these beautiful round multi colored Chinese cloisonne(景泰蓝) vases in my first three years in China.

分析: 该句是简单句。

译文: 在中国的最初三年中,我从来没有见过这些颜色各异的圆形中式景泰蓝花瓶。

