公德类文章从2000年至今考过两次。鉴于今年的情况,这道题还是有一定意义。这道题我们可以从负面去写,指出这种现象的原因和影响。而我们这篇文章更多的是从正面提出倡议。Key words:virtue; thrift; thrifty; economical; boost economy; promote英文:
As is described in the cartoon, a college student is attracted by the course of innovation as required. Apparently, the purpose of the drawer is to remind us of the immense value of innovation.
Being innovative means that you are left in an unfamiliar and unexplored field. Life is always about challenging your frontiers and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone to view the beautiful scenery outside there. Compared with following others’ step, innovation leads people to an uncharted territory, where there is more space to be discovered, more treasures to be found and more opportunities to be seized. Jack Ma achieves success because he is the first to develop e-commerce in China; Elon Must’s success is attributed to his early dream of exploring outer space. A dozens of examples repeatedly convince us that being the first ever explorers is half success, which is a direct result of thinking and acting differently from others.
Admittedly, following suit seems to be a short cut for common people: we can benefit from miscellaneous lessons of success while avoiding failures encountered by others. Everything seems so easy, but the problem, in my opinion, lies just in the easiness. I’m afraid that being too comfortable in an environment where whatever you need is available will stifle innovation while innovation proves to be the cradle of success.
Innovation often means uncertainty. However, in spite of the inevitable twists and turns on the journey, we should be brave enough to set out for a new world.
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