
来源: 高顿网校 2014-06-27
  Formula editing improvements Part 3: new functions
  对编辑公式功能的改进 Part 3:新增函数
  In addition to improving the formula editing UI in Excel 12, the team has spent some time adding to Excel’s function library.  Over the years, customers have found new ways to combine and leverage the functions in Excel to build all sorts of things, but there remain many areas where our customers would like to see need new capability. This release, we have targeted three areas in which to improve our function library – the Analysis ToolPak, SQL Server Analysis Services, and the most common requests we hear from customers.
  除了改进编辑公式的界面外,我们还在Excel 12的内置函数库上花了些功夫。多年以来,用户挖掘出许多新方法,整合和发挥Excel函数的功能,创建各式各样的公式。虽然如此,用户还是期望拥有更多新的函数。此版本中,我们瞄准了三个方面来扩充Excel内置函数库,它们是——分析工具库,SQL Server Analysis Services和用户提出的*2代表性的需求。
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