阿里会计继续教育网:Excel2007新知-XI 关键性能指标,动作和名称集
高顿网校友情提示,*7阿里会计继续教育网上总结信息Excel2007新知-XI 关键性能指标,动作和名称集等内容公布如下:
Analysis Services models can have “actions” associated with them. Actions allow users exploring data in Analysis Services to react to what they find in their data … executing an action will take the context of the report (the data the user is looking at) and run a different application with the context as input. For example, the PivotTable below is connected to an Analysis Services model that has an action associated with the product category level. If a user right-clicks any item of that level (here we have picked Accessories for example), there is a Server Actions menu with the option to launch a report for Accessories.
Analysis Services模型可以有一个随带“动作”。动作允许用户当他们在他们的数据里发现什么时相应在Analysis Services里浏览数据……执行动作会使用报告的上下文(用户正在查看的数据),并且使用该上下文作为输入运行一个不同的应用程序。例如,下面的数据透视表连接到Analysis Services模型,该模型有一个产品类别关联的动作。如果用户在该级上任意地方单击右键(例如我们选择Accessories),就会有个Server Actions菜单,带有一个启动Accessories报告的选项。
In the example, the action is launching a sales comparison report for Accessories built using SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services. Here is a screenshot of that report in my web browser.
在本例中,该动作是使用SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services(报表服务)创建Accessories的销售比较报表。这是在我网页浏览器上的报表截屏。
Note the action can take a wide variety of forms – running ERP applications, navigating to web pages, etc. Here is a link to a tutorial on MSDN.
Named Sets
Analysis Services provides a feature called “Named Sets” which can be used by Analysis Services model builders to provide a simple way for end users to work with complex but commonly used sets of members. For example, the model builder could define a set that lists the currently non-profitable products, or products that have a long lead time. Named sets offer a number of benefits. First, since they can be defined on the server, everyone that looks at an Analysis Services model sees the same information. Second, as the criteria for the items to include in a set can be dynamic, the list of items can automatically update over time as data is added or changed in the model. Again using the above example of a named set that lists the currently non-profitable products, you can imagine that as time passes, the products included in the set will change automatically – neither the model author nor the end user needs to do anything at all.
Analysis Services(分析服务)提供一个功能,叫做“名称集”,它可以供Analysis Services模型创建者用来提供一个简单的方式给终端用户使用复杂但是经常使用的成员集。例如,模型创建者可以定义一个集合,列出当前非盈利产品,或者交付时间长的产品。名称集有很多好处。首先,因为它们可以在服务器上定义,所以每个看Analysis Services模型的人看到的都是相同的信息。再者,作为项目包括进入一个集合的标准可以是动态的,当模型中的数据随着时间添加或者更改了,项目清单是可以自动更新的。再次使用上面的名称集例子,列出当前非盈利的产品。你可以想象当时间迁移,该集合包含的产品会自动更改——无论是模型作者还是终端用户都不需要做任何事情。
Named sets are displayed in the PivotTable field list so that users can add them to a PivotTable on rows or columns. Here is a screenshot of sets defined for the product dimension of my example model.
All a user has to do to build a report showing the sales for each of the new product models of 2004 is to check the checkbox for that set.
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