
来源: 高顿网校 2014-06-27
高顿网校友情提示,*7迪庆藏族自治州会计继续教育网上总结信息Excel2007新知-技巧2_如何仅在部分单元格中设置图标等内容公布如下:  Conditional Formatting Trick 2 – How to get an icon in some cells, but not all cells
  A few months ago, I described the new features we have added to Excel 2007 in the area of conditional formatting.  One of the new formats we added is called a “icon set” … check out this earlier post for a refresher, but the basic idea is that Excel draws an icon in each cell representing the value of that cell relative to the other cells in the selected range.  Here is a shot from that post.
  几个月前,我描述了我们在Excel 2007的条件格式方面添加的新功能。我们添加的新格式之一叫做“图标集”……请重温一下前面的帖子,基本原理是Excel在每个单元格里画一个图表,代表该单元格相对于所选区域中其它单元格中的值。这里有个来自前面帖子里的截图。
  The Excel 2007 UI allows you to choose from a wide range of icon sets to apply to your document, but, but, by default, all the cells that you apply conditional formatting to get an icon.  For example, say you had this range of data (measurements of something over 4 time periods) …
  Excel 2007用户界面允许你从大量的图标集里面选择图标来应用到你的文档,但是,但是,默认情况下,你应用了条件格式的所有单元格都会有一个图标。例如,假设你有这样数据区域(某东西在四个时间段的衡量标准)……
  and you applied the “three symbols” icon set using the ribbon
  you would end up with something like this.  Excel would evaluate all the cells and show an icon in each cell, thereby communicating the value of each cell relative to all cells in the range.
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