
来源: 高顿网校 2014-06-27
  We interrupt conditional formatting for a brief message about undo/redo and PDF…
  A few posts ago when I wrote an overview of everything we did in Excel 12, I said that the list wasn’t 100% complete.  Undo/redo is an example of that.  We did work to improve undo/redo this release, and since someone asked about it in the comments of a previous post, I thought I would describe the work we did.  Here is what we have improved in this area:
  以前的一些邮件中我在对使用Excel12进行总结时,已经说过的那些目录不是100%完整的。撤销/重复 就是这其中的一个例子。我们在这个版本中改进了撤销/重复功能,下面是我们在这方面已经作出的改进:
  We increased the size of the “undo stack” from 16 levels to 100 levels.
  We made a bunch more features “undoable”.  For example, setting autofilters, showing/hiding detail in PivotTables, and grouping/ungrouping in PivotTables are now undoable.
  And, my personal favourite, we no longer clear the undo stack when Excel saves, be it an autosave or an explicit save by a user.
  Also, I wanted to share another great (and recent) announcement – Excel 12 will enable customers to save their work as a PDF file by simply using the Save As command from within Excel 12.  The details of the announcement are here.  Brian Jones also spent some time on the subject in his Office 12 File Format blog, with two posts here and here.  Save As PDF is another feature that many customers had asked for, so we are excited to be adding it to Office 12.
  此外,我想分享另一个强大的(也是*7的)Excel12的预告,就是Excel12中将能使用户以PDF文件格式保存他们的工作内容,通过简单地在Excel中使用另存为命令即可完成。这个预告的详细描述请点击这里。Brian Jones也花了一些时间就这个主题在他的Office12文件格式博客中进行了描述,有两个邮件点击这里和这里。保存为PDF格式是一些用户要求的另一个特征,于是我们直接将它添加到了Office 12中。
  Published Wednesday, October 05, 2005 10:54 PM by David Gainer
  Filed Under: PDF, Undo, Other Improvements
  注:本文翻译自http://blogs.msdn.com/excel,原文作者为David Gainer(a Microsoft employee),Excel home授权转载。严禁任何人以任何形式转载,违者必究。
  Excel 2007中  新增加的两个功能:
  1、在Excel 2007中,可撤销的操作次数增加,由16次增加到了100次,并实现了一些在数据透视表中可撤销的操作。
  2、当Excel 2007文件被关闭时,其所执行的操作被存储在内存中,下一次打开后仍可以对其进行可撤销操作。
  3、Excel 2007的文件可保存为PDF格式,但不能读取PDF格式。
  (1)很多人要求能撤销宏所执行的操作,并提出了一些建议,但该功能在Excel 2007中未得到改进。
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