辽宁参加2014年HKICPA考试的同学必须了解:Final Examination的介绍

来源: 高顿网校 2014-07-11
2014年度,辽宁参加香港注册会计师期终考试的同学必须关心一下:关于期终考试Final Examination的一些介绍。
  Final Examination
  After successful completion of the four QP modules, you take a six-hour open book final examination (to be taken in two sessions of three hours for each three-hour session of examination plus half hour reading time).
  The final examination tests your ability to integrate knowledge and skills from any part of the QP module syllabuses and apply these across all fields of competency, demonstrating a level of skills appropriate to a professional practitioner.
  Session I comprises:
  - A case study
  - An essay
  Session II comprises:
  - 1-3 case studies
  - An essay

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